Everything is Energy





Einstien once said “Everything is Energy” . Do you know how do you manage your energy in your daily lives? It is only through your thoughts. Lets turn this statement around and ponder, “Energy is Everything”. How you manage your energy and how energy flows through you directly dictates the nature and quality of your lives.

It has been proven by scientist that thoughts are energy, who have done study after study after study that tell us that our thoughts, our judgements, our perceptions directly impact our body and our life.

Here is one of the great examples that we are all familiar with. The ‘placebo’ effect. Let me explain it to those who might not be familiar with this term. The little sugar pill has the same biological medical impact that the actual medication has. Now tell me how’s that possible?  Well , It is possible because people “believe” that it will work. Here we direct our thoughts , that are energy into thinking positive and into believing that this works and we do not have an ounce of doubt about it.

Now lets take the other way round. Unfortunately the opposite is also true, only you are not aware of it. The negative thinking leads to negative results. And let me tell you that has a name too. It is called the “no-cebo” Effect. That’s why it is very critical to know how to manage your thoughts and in-turn channel your energy for a better living.  






  1. Well done my friend. I am so proud of you.

  2. Very well explained the plain truth that we often are either unaware of, or tend to forget eventually. Lovely yet again!


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