The POWER Of Our Thoughts

Neuroscience study finds evidence that meditation increases the ...

The POWER Of  Our Thoughts 

Do we realise that our mind is like a mirror. It just reflects back to us what we perceive from around our surroundings through our five sensory organs and also what we have experienced. Do we know that the greatest power that anyone can possess is that , our 'thoughts' shape and form , consequently turn into reality. So we need to understand that our 'thoughts' are what that manifests. 

We have noticed that people who 'think' that they are poor can never percieve an opportunity, that might be standing right before them and hence, remain poor. While on the other hand people who think  they can easily multitask  will do so. Like a stationary shop owner, who is attending to 5 customers at the same time photocopying, pulling out stationaries, checking his computer for the print out that a customer wants, all at the same time and with ease, infact cracking a joke in the midst of all the cacophony. Continuously finding a solution for all his customers day in and day out. This is quiet a common sight to be seen in India. But think about the times when we have multiple tasks to handle at a times we are mortified with the idea and 'thought' of dealing with so many 'problems' at a time. But if we shift our mind to focus and think about these tasks as easy and doable. You will realise this mind shift not only helps you multitask smoothly but you'll also have a chance to be creative as well. 

We need to remember, how powerful our thoughts are and how they can control our lives inturn governing our destiny. 

The power of thought is such that if you think it and desire it with all your being. You manifest them.


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