Replace stress and anxiety with Joy now

Today I want to introduce myself apart from a Life Coach and a Tarot reader. I do one of the toughest jobs on the planet. I’m a mom. A Mom to two boys. And they somehow think I’m a carpenter, I’m a painter, a coach, a chef, a baker, an origamist, a mechanic, an electrician, a doctor and sports coach all rolled into one. I want what all parents wish from their kids. I want them to be happy. I want them to grow up into a kind, compassionate and giving adults. Today there’s a small challenge in these times of pandemic. The world is going through a major shift. Already world statistics were on a higher side where the anxiety and depression are concerned (over 1 billion adults and over 200 million kids are suffering for different kinds of mental problems at any time). Now things are going from bad to worse. The statistics have increased manifolds. I know I’m not painting a pretty picture. Remember our kids are learning from us all the time. If we are stressed, depressed and anxious then it’...